“UBUNIFU” stands for creativity.


Eclipse: Can’t Zoom In (Cmd +) in Japanese Keyboard, MacBook

“Zoom out” assigned to “Cmd -” and “Zoom in” assigned to “Cmd +” key. But “Zoom in” doesn’t work in Japanese keyboard.

Larval 5.5: Eclipse Oxgen + PDT + Xdebug + Vagrant setup

This is a memo for setup the Laravel debug environments that using the Eclipse Oxgen. It’s included synchronized project setup and debug setup. Let’s get started.

How to change the glTF™ Material in Cycles

Last time, A post How to use the glTF™ on Blender introduced making simple glTF file and post it Facebook. This time, change the material. Let’s get started.

Laravel 5.5: Vagrant + Nginx + PHP + MySQL + CentOS setup

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Here is a memo when I had setup it.

How to use the glTF™ (GL Transmission Format) on Blender

Recently Facebook has announced that Richer 3D Posts on Facebook is enabled. It’s used glTF 2.0 file format which is a royalty-free specification for the efficient transmission and loading of 3D scenes and models by applications was developed by the Khronos Group 3D Formats Working Group.

pH7CMS: Vagrant + Nginx + PHP + MySQL setup memo

pH7CMS is a 100% Open Source Enterprise-Class Social Dating Web App Builder & Leader #1 as “Dating Websites Provider”. Installation guide is here on GitHub page. But I think that a bit lack of information. Here is a memo when I setup it.

PHP: Don’t set the IP address to the setcookie()

Spent a couple of days for struggled in login session. When run the pH7cms which is SNS open source which made of PHP on the VirtualBox it happened.

Android ListView: Searching/Filtering by SearchView

Original ListView has a functionality to filtering by text keyword. But it’s not able to search up all keyword. It only search the top of the text. This is a simple solution to search all up.

Oxwall – Setup and Plugin Development Crash Course

Oxwall  is the most popular SNS framework that using PHP was developed as a project of Skalfa LLC. This is a supplementary explanation of the “Plugin Development Crash Course”. Check it out.

REC&RECOG – Ver.2.3.0 – New feature is able to view transcripts like timeline

🆓RECORD & RECOGNIZE is MP3/WAV audio recorder has some filters. Speech to Text is using IBM Bluemix Watson Speech to Text service. 🎉Ver.2.3.0 that can view transcripts like timeline is ready to download.

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