How about all thinking that the keyword of 2016 is surely “Pokemon Go” and “Rio de Janeiro Olympics”? By the way, summer vacation is soon over. How do you spend rest of the day?
Why don’t you make a VR headgear by using cardboard? This is the headgear of the final shape.
- Hacosco single lens ¥1,200
Why choose a single lens VR? It is better for health for kids.
- Cardboard (80cm x 80cm 3mm) price: ¥400/1 piece
Application software
- Blender 2.77 (to create a drawing)
- Cutter
- Cutter mat
- Measure (stainless steel) 30cm
- Masking tape
- Packing tape (cloth)
- Pizza cutter
- Measure Hacosco
To create a drawing, first of all, measure base size of the Hacosco.
2. Drawing a headgear
To ease of build, reducing faces is important.
Download : VR_HEADGEAR_V1.blend
3. Blender file export to SVG
Before print out, Export Paper Model plug-in installed. Export Paper can create svg file.
4. Print out and a pattern making
Using poster function print out of Adobe. This feature can print as A4 size from big size data. After printed out, sew it up.
5. Cutting Cardboard with fold
Writing outline on the cardboard by using a pattern. and cutting.
6. Customize size of Hacosco
To adjust size of Headgear, a little bit customize Hacosco.
7. Assembling
Embed Hacosco in Headgear. Bind all cross sections.
Have fun. Try it.😄