“UBUNIFU” stands for creativity.

Tags : Blender

How to change the glTF™ Material in Cycles

Last time, A post How to use the glTF™ on Blender introduced making simple glTF file and post it Facebook. This time, change the material. Let’s get started.

How to use the glTF™ (GL Transmission Format) on Blender

Recently Facebook has announced that Richer 3D Posts on Facebook is enabled. It’s used glTF 2.0 file format which is a royalty-free specification for the efficient transmission and loading of 3D scenes and models by applications was developed by the Khronos Group 3D Formats Working Group.

Change Blender’s python to Anaconda was failed

I’ve stacked⚠️ when the blender’s Python changed into anaconda.

Headgear made by cardboard for V.R.

How about all thinking that the keyword of 2016 is surely “Pokemon Go” and “Rio de Janeiro Olympics”? By the way, summer vacation is soon over. How do you spend rest of the day? Why don’t you make a VR headgear by using cardboard? This is the headgear of the final shape. Materials Hacosco single lens ¥1,200 Why choose a single lens VR? It is better for health for kids. Cardboard (80cm x 80cm 3mm) price: ¥400/1 piece Application software Blender 2.77 (to create a drawing) Tools Cutter Cutter mat Measure (stainless steel) 30cm Masking tape Packing tape (cloth) Pizza cutter Procedure Measure Hacosco To create a drawing, first of all, measure …


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