Scratch 3.0 will be released publicly soon. This is a guide to setup for Scratch 3.0 on the npm. I’ve set it up on my MacBook.

* You should install the homebrew, before preceding.

1. Environment setup (if needed)

# brew update

# brew install nodebrew

# echo ‘export PATH=$PATH:/Users/Tadashi/.nodebrew/current/bin’ >> ~/.bashrc

# vi .bash_profile   … Adds these lines.

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc

# source .bash_profile

# nodebrew use v9.2.0

2. Scratch 3.0 setup & run

# cd [working directory]

# git clone

# cd scratch-gui

# npm install

# npm start

3. Check see if it’s running.


Look and feel is good. I guess Custom blocks is not implemented yet. 😻Also you can access official version from here.