Unfortunate, Coroutines are still experimental on the Kotlin 1.2. This code is a simple HTTP GET/POST with JSON by using the AsyncTask. Hope this will help you.
All source code is on GitHub.
package co.ubunifu.kotlinhttpsample import android.os.AsyncTask import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View import android.widget.Button import android.widget.ProgressBar import org.json.JSONArray import org.json.JSONObject import java.io.* import java.net.HttpURLConnection import java.net.URL operator fun JSONArray.iterator(): Iterator<JSONObject> = (0 until length()).asSequence().map { get(it) as JSONObject }.iterator() val TIMEOUT = 10*1000 class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) val progressBar = findViewById<ProgressBar>(R.id.progressBar) progressBar.visibility = View.INVISIBLE val button = findViewById<Button>(R.id.buttonGet) button.setOnClickListener() { progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE HttpTask( { progressBar.visibility = View.INVISIBLE if (it == null) { println("connection error") return@HttpTask } for (json in JSONArray(it)) { println(json) } } ).execute("GET", "") } val buttonPost = findViewById<Button>(R.id.buttonPost) buttonPost.setOnClickListener() { val json = JSONObject() json.put("title", "TITLE") json.put("content", "CONTENT") json.put("done", false) progressBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE HttpTask( { progressBar.visibility = View.INVISIBLE if (it == null) { println("connection error") return@HttpTask } println(it) } ).execute("POST", "", json.toString()) } } class HttpTask(callback: (String?) -> Unit) : AsyncTask<String, Unit, String>() { var callback = callback override fun doInBackground(vararg params: String): String? { val url = URL(params[1]) val httpClient = url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection httpClient.setReadTimeout(TIMEOUT) httpClient.setConnectTimeout(TIMEOUT) httpClient.requestMethod = params[0] if (params[0] == "POST") { httpClient.instanceFollowRedirects = false httpClient.doOutput = true httpClient.doInput = true httpClient.useCaches = false httpClient.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") } try { if (params[0] == "POST") { httpClient.connect() val os = httpClient.getOutputStream() val writer = BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(os, "UTF-8")) writer.write(params[2]) writer.flush() writer.close() os.close() } if (httpClient.responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { val stream = BufferedInputStream(httpClient.inputStream) val data: String = readStream(inputStream = stream) return data } else { println("ERROR ${httpClient.responseCode}") } } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } finally { httpClient.disconnect() } return null } fun readStream(inputStream: BufferedInputStream): String { val bufferedReader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(inputStream)) val stringBuilder = StringBuilder() bufferedReader.forEachLine { stringBuilder.append(it) } return stringBuilder.toString() } override fun onPostExecute(result: String?) { super.onPostExecute(result) callback(result) } } companion object { val TAG = "MainActivity" } }
When Coroutines will be available. code might be more simple. 😗