“UBUNIFU” stands for creativity.

Tags : Swift

XYScrollViewSample, Vertical and Horizontal scroll view, Swift 4

In case of making scroll view like showing calendar, need to implements vertical and horizontal scroll functionality. Here is a sample code of showing calendar. Hope this will help you.

SKView. Falling snow overlaying existing view. Swift 4.

To add falling snow 🌨 effect on your existing view. Need to pass the events in to underlying view.

Emoji/String convert to UIImage. Swift 4

Sometimes would like to convert Emoji to Image. Full project is here. I hope this will help.

Using CIFilter deal with DNG/RAW file, Swift 4

Here is a basic source code of the image filter and draw of the DNG file by using CIFilter, GLKView.

Simple Calendar Sample for Swift 3 by using the JTAppleCalendar

This article will introduce you how to create simple iOS App by using JTAppleCalendar.

Don’t start the Timer in callback. Swift 3.0

This is a kind of blunder when I used the interval timer in Swift 3.0.

AVAudioEngine Reverb On/Off

When AVAudioEngine Reverb.bypass set to the false, Audio-signal has been muted. Why? This is one of the alternative code. Part of reverb on/off Sample code is here


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