“UBUNIFU” stands for creativity.

Yearly Archives: 2016

Global Expo Botswana 2016 Day-3

I’m writting this at Hotel. Today is the Day-3 of the Global Expo Botswana 2016. There are many visitor coming our booth. It’s very thankful. Especially, Many entrepreneurs were coming and sharing their thoughts. It was great. Tomorrow is last day. I’m looking forward to seeing at booth.

Global Expo Botswana 2016

We are pleased to announce that UBUNIFU Incorporated are going to participate in an exhibition, Global Expo Botswana 2016, held in Gaborone Botswana in November 23-26. “It might be able to unlock enormous power If we use the IT/IoT as tools. from education to creation. There are many opportunity in Botswana and also other Africa. I believe that this exhibition becomes one step of the new value creation.” Tadashi Iizuka, CEO (*) http://www.globalexpo.co.bw

AVAudioEngine Reverb On/Off

When AVAudioEngine Reverb.bypass set to the false, Audio-signal has been muted. Why? This is one of the alternative code. Part of reverb on/off Sample code is here

Use case of the Static Cell with Swift 3.0

Easy to create if you use Static Cell. Also It can include UISwitch and UISegmentedControl and so on. This is sample for memorandum.

Reception in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic Botswana

I got a kind invitation to celebrate of the 50th anniversary of independence from Embassy of the Republic of Botswana. The place is Tokyo Marriott hotel.  Following the greetings of the Jacob D. Nkate ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, then greetings by the Parliamentary Vice-Ministers for Foreign Affairs Mr.Shunsuke Takei, then greetings by the Japan and African Union Parliamentary Association chairperson Mr. Aizawa Ichiro, former Botswana ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, now the president of Japan National Tourism Organization Mr.Ryoichi Matsuyama made a toast. Through the reception party, the slide show was displayed, that was very splendid, and you might be able to watch from here.

CoreData with Swift3.0

I’m doing feasibility study for iPad application these day. Before to do so, changed my environment to the Xcode 8 with Swift 3.0.

PHOTO EXHIBITION to celebrate 50 years of Botswana Independence and Chobe Marathon 2016

The Republic of Botswana located at south of the African Continent was independent from the U.K. in 1966, and this year becomes the turning point of 50 years. In this point, the photo exhibition titled “Botswanan 50 years to be spelled in a photograph” is held at a Botswanan embassy. Republic of Botswana Embassy is one room of the building which around ten minutes on foot from JR Mita Station. Folk-crafts displaying. A photograph is displayed along the wall of the passage. From independence day to various tribal colorful photographs, and animals of big 5 are wonderful. Above all, the giraffe in the setting sun is impressive. I took some …

“Think about future of the Africa and Japan” – after a TICAD-VI

JICA Tokyo held an event on September 10th at JICA Tokyo International Center. I didn’t notice how close JICA Tokyo International Centre from my company! I was able to know about this event from on the Facebook of AfriMedico company. It is thanks to an entrepreneur seminar in Africa. Session.1 Panel discussion with 3 internship students by ABE(The African Business Education Initiative for youth) Initiative Session.2 Japanese Movie “Lion stand against the wind” Session.3 Get-together with JICA Internship members In the Get-together with JICA Internship members, I talked with the Internship-member from Tanzania, Rwanda, Nigeria. In Nigeria, the film industry being prosperous. But the animation is restrictive. After a TICAD-VI, Facebook …

WordPress – qTranslate X Setup

Memo of the when installed the qTranslate X plug in for company web site. 1. qTranslate X plug-in install and activate it. 2. “Settings” -> “Languages” you can change the setting, if needed.(did not any changes this time) 3. Adds the Languages Switcher into the Menus(ex: “Appearance” -> “Menu” ) Add Language Switcher to end of the Menus. (it will display a switcher-button on the menu) In the Menu Structure, [Japanese] [English] button is displaying. 4. Adds English(ex: “Posts”) Input a text of English. If permanet URL link had a Japanese, it should be changed to English. 5. Final image In the Menus, Language switcher displaying. You can change Languages …

Seminar – “Encourage new businesses in Africa”

8/27(土)「アフリカ起業家セミナー」(主催:日本アフリカ起業支援イニシアチブ)に参加させていただきました。当日は台風10号の影響か?生憎の雨模様、それでも 200名近い参加者が来場していた模様、アフリカでの起業への関心の高さが伺えた。今回のセミナーは、同時期にケニア@ナイロビで開催されている TICAD(Tokyo International Conference on African Development:アフリカ開発会議)に合わせて催されたものだ。(セミナーのレポート概要は、こちら、詳しく書かれていので参照していただきたい) 今回はキックオフ的なイベントであった為、突っ込んだ話までは聞くことができなかった事が残念ではあるが、ご登壇頂いた、JICA、DMM.Africa、AfriMedico、そして、ネット中継で参加してくださった方々のお話は、これからビジネスを始めていこうと考えている(私も含めて)人々に勇気を与えたのではないだろうか。 というのも、TICAD のニュースを聞くまでもなく、アフリカにおける中国の勢いは凄まじいものがある。投資の額(中国:約6兆円、日本:約3兆円)だけではなく、在留人数でも中国が100万人(推計)で日本は8千人、進出企業数は中国が2千社超で日本は687社と大きく隔たりがある。 多勢に無勢では、勝てる確率も低い、質や技術だけで勝てるとは限らないのがビジネスの世界、1社だけでは勝ち目のない戦も ALL JAPANとして連携していけば、きっと良い結果につながっていくと思う。

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