Google announced that the Google AdSense plugin for WordPress will be deprecated as: 😢

Early May, 2017: Google will no longer provide support for the plugin.

As of today, Google AdSense plugin is still working. But Ads can’t any customize(Add, Remove, Change). So, We need to move on other plugin to show/manage the Google AdSense. Here is a case of the AdSense Plugin WP QUADS.

1. Install “AdSense Plugin WP QUADS”

Go to the Plugins page and click “Add New”. Then type “AdSense Plugin WP QUADS” into search bar. “Install” ➡️ “Activate(Network Activate)”

2. Create Ads

Go to the Google AdSense page, Create new Ads (or selected one which already created) and copy code.

3. Ads setting

“WP QUADS” ➡️ Ad setting

Select “ADSENSE CODE” tab ➡️ Select Ad1 ➡️ Paste code ➡️ “Save Changes”. Repeated by the number of Ads.

If you’d like to put Ads in the widget area, select “WIDGETS AD CODE” tab ➡️ Select Ad widget 1 ➡️ Paste code ➡️ “Save Changes”. Repeated by the number of Ads.

4. Detail setting

In my case, we don’t want to show Ads on the Top page and only on the post pages. Remove “page” in the Post Types.

5. Enable widget

Go to the Appearance ➡️ Widgets. Select AdsWidget1(WP QUADS) and drag into the sidebar.

Everything could be done. Wait several minutes, Ads will be displayed.