“UBUNIFU” stands for creativity.


RECOG – Ver.1.7.0 – New feature is able to view transcripts like timeline.

🆓 RECOG can transcripts speech to text from Microphone or Internet audio file. By using IBM Bluemix Watson Speech to Text service. 🎉Ver.1.7.0 that can view transcripts like timeline is ready to download.

Setup Scratch 3.0 server on the VirtualBox, CentOS, for macOS – 2/2

Cont. This part will describing setup of the Scratch and connecting iPhone.

Setup Scratch 3.0 server on the VirtualBox, CentOS, for macOS – 1/2

Scratch 3.0 is next version of Scratch which is popular programming environment. Here is a step by step procedure to create the Scratch 3.0 server running on Mac. It’s useful to hosts for small size of workshop or in case of network is not available, or multi devices.


🎉🎉🎉 May this New Year bring happiness and joy for you and your family. 🎉🎉🎉

Scratch 3.0 setup to github.io pages

Here is a memo when I was setup a gihub.io page by using the Scratch 3.0 develop branch. I hope this will help.😄

Scratch 2.0 Exercise: Moon Simulator

For Scratch 2.0 Exercise: Let’s make a moon simulator.

Scratch 2.0 Exercise: Color Wheel and Shade

For Scratch 2.0 Exercise: Understanding the Color Wheel and Shade.

Scratch 2.0 Exercise: Drawing an Infinity Symbol

For Scratch 2.0 Exercise: Drawing an infinity symbol by using trigonometric function.

Preview: Scratch 3.0 setup and preview

Scratch 3.0 will be released publicly soon. This is a guide to setup for Scratch 3.0 on the npm. 😸

Android: Couldn’t create directory on external storage.

Now I’m developing an Android program that download MP3 file and store it on the external storage. Download is fine. But I had stuck at creating a directory on the external storage. 😅

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